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Gorilla trekking- Short gorilla trekking safaris in Uganda

Gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Gorilla Trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park are very popular safaris in Uganda. These Gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi National Park take place in four sectors in the park and visited through out the year as long as one secures a gorilla trekking permit in Uganda

Gorilla Trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Sectors for Gorilla Trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

The four sectors in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park take place in four different sectors.

The different sectors of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park are;

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park- Gorilla Trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park @Gorilla Link Tours

Buhoma has four habituated gorilla families visited throughout the year. This was the first place where gorilla trekking activities first took place. The gorilla families here include Mubare, Habinyaja, Rushegura among others.

There are different accommodations in Buhoma for every traveller. There is Bwindi Lodge for luxury travellers, The Haven Lodge Buhoma for mid-range clients and Buhoma community camo for budget travellers

Ruhija Sector-

Ruhija is the highest point of Bwindi at about 2000 meters above sea level and has about three gorilla families that include Oruzogo, Bitikura and Kyagurilo. These too trekked throughout the year. Travellers can stay in Kabale, Buhoma and Ruhija itself in order to visit these gorilla families. However, if one does not stay in Ruhija and stay in Buhoma or Kabale, they would have to wake up very early in order to be at the briefing are by 7am

Gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Rushaga sector-

Rushaga has majority of habituated gorilla families. It is located in the southern sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National park. Gorilla families here include Nshongi, Mishaya, Bweza, Busingye, Kahungye among others. There are many lodges here for every traveller’s budget. This sector  also the only place for gorilla habituation, a new activity that was introduced by Uganda Wildlife Authority where travellers take part in habituating wild mountain gorillas to make them ready for gorilla trekking safaris. This park of Bwindi can also be accessed from Rwanda, a shorter distance of about 3 hours from Kigali to Bwindi instead of the 10 hours from Entebbe to the same park


Nkuringo also in the southern sector of Bwindi Impenetrabble national park. It has one habituated gorilla family called Nkuringo and another one is being habituated. It has one of the luxury lodges in Uganda called Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge and a semi- luxury lodge called Nkuringo Safari Lodge

Best time for gorilla trekking safaris

The best time for gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is throughout the year. All you need is to pack appropriately (trekking shoes, waterproof jacket, hat, camera, back pack among others. We will send you a list)

How to Get to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Uganda safaris Land cruiser- Gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park safari vehicles

Getting to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is very easy either using road transport in our 4 x 4 WD safari vehicles

The park also accessed by scheduled and charter flights to the different airstrips close to the park through our partners Aerolink

It can also be accessed by flying to Kigali Rwanda and crossing the border to Uganda for your gorilla trekking safaris.

Insurance on gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

We highly advise that all travellers coming for gorilla trekking safaris should be insured. There are so many insurance companies that cover travellers on African safaris. Consult with your doctor too

Fitness for Gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

To be able to enjoy your gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, one needs some level of fitness. There is a reason the forest is called impenetrable. But no worries, there are always porters available at the park offices at the time of briefing. For $15 dollars, you can hire a porter who will carry your lunch back pack and give you moral support throughout the hiking process.

Noted that during trekking, everyone goes by the slowest person. All the guides and ranger guides are supportive to make your gorilla trek a memorable and enjoyable one

Accommodation used 

All sectors of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park have great accommodation choices for every traveller. Ruhija sector has the least accommodations but Buhoma, Rushaga and Nkuringo have many lodges.

In Buhoma we recommend Bwindi safari Lodge, Buhoma Lodge and Gorilla Forest Camp for the luxury category, Mahogany Springs for semi-luxury, SilverBack Lodge, The Havens Lodge for Midrange lodges and Buhoma Community rest camp for budget

In Ruhija, we recommend Gorilla forest camp for semi-midrange and Broadbill Forest Camp for Budget. Broadbill Forest Camp has a great view of Bwindi forest and birders are able to watch different Albertine birds from their balconies. In the morning, visitors here will wake up to the sounds of wild chimpanzees as their alarm clock.

Rushaga has got Chameleon Hill Lodge  and Gorilla Safari Lodge for Semi-Luxury, Mutanda Lake Resort, Ichumbi Gorilla Lodge for midrange and Rushaga Camp for Budget

Other activities in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Other activities on gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park include forest walks, waterfall trails, bird watching, community walks, research, gorilla habituation, Batwa trail etc.

All the above activities combined with gorilla trekking or can be done independently

Suggested itineraries for Gorilla trekking safaris in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

3 day fly into Rwanda track Gorillas in Uganda- Mid range

3 Day Fly-in Gorilla Tracking Safari

6 Day Uganda Gorillas and wildlife safari

6 Days Gorillas and Murchison Falls NP safari

8 day Exclusive wildlife safari Uganda

9 Day Uganda Exclusive Fly-in safari

10 day Exclusive luxury safari Uganda

10 Days Gorillas, Chimps & Lions

11 Day Uganda gorilla and wildlife safari

12 Days Midrange Pearl of Africa Tour

13 days Uganda wildlife safari tour

14 days best of Uganda wildlife

18 Days Uganda Gorillas and Wildlife safari

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